Full Moon Virgo in Pisces


Connect - Transform - Create

Meeting the Virgo moon in Pisces season is a push pull energy. This Pisces season is all about going with the flow, a very creative, intuitive and smart season. As we end a twelve month cycle we can look back and appreciate what we created in the last little while all while simultaneously putting into motion what we want to manifest next. Pisces is one of the more emotional zodiacs and helps us tune into our shadows by feeling and then surrendering and connecting to our emotions. Be sure to feel your emotions during this time and don’t skip that part.

Virgo season is a time to get your life back in order, for us that means get back to the basics of living. Having a tribe, becoming organized, having structure and tackling projects that need to be completed. This is not the season for thinking small, this is a big goal season. During, before and after this full moon think to implement, health, wellness, hardwork, being helpful and creating order. We are so thrilled to pair this full moon with the creative Pisces season. This means big things in your personal transformation, your work and home life, and wellness goals. The world is your oyster, just remember Virgo can be anxious, critical, and focus on self pity. Create a community and a group of friends that will keep you on a straight path toward success and positivity and you will flourish! This oil will help remind you and give you the perfect balance of energy to get the big jobs accomplished and more! Meditate with it, apply it in the morning and you will get that boost of energy to conquer it all!


Lime- Helps your feel uplifted and brings you joy. Connects us to higher spiritual guides and angels. Brings mental clarity and helps us feel more alert. 

Hibiscus- Known as the flower and symbol of the divine feminine. Female power includes the ability to create and nurture life. Hibiscus is strongly connected to the butterfly, they have short lives, are transformational, and symbols of living in the moment and associated with the tropics.

Chamomile- Luck, purification, protection and healing among others. It’s ruled by the Sun God and its element is water.

Vanilla- Tropical plant which assist in peace, tranquility and comfort.

Mini shells- For imagination, intuition, imagination adaptability and ocean vibrations.

Clear quartz crystals- added for amplification.

Verdad is all about connection and transformational energy. We charge this oil with the full moon in Virgo, ocean jasper and serpentine stones. Serpentine is the stone of transformation, and ocean jasper reminds us to stay connected to the ebb and flow of our journey. Verdad means truth and is the resort we stayed in when we were visiting Nicaragua for a healing retreat this past November. It is where we found ourselves and has assisted us both in our soul transformations. The energy of the country is so loving, supportive and healing. We made life long friends and connections in this intimate space and pushed through hard barriers of our own minds and bodies in the lush jungle and greenery that bordered the ocean. Just as the ocean waves crash into the shoreline, it can be rocky, harsh, turbulent and chaotic, just in the same it can be mesmerizing, therapeutic and meditative. All of these emotions probably sound very familiar, right? This is exactly how your life will feel some times, but if we can learn to go with the flow of the ocean and not fight against the waves then we will have much better successes, and our hardships will not feel so heavy. Belonging to a tribe and having a true connection can help us on our journey of shifts, transformations and changes to support our growth. The ocean has taught us a lot about our growth and the hiccups we will discover along the way. There is no end game in life, we are all on a continual journey and just like the ocean the waves keep coming, learn to lean into them and enjoy the ride!

Both Ocean and Sea Jasper are a couple of the gorgeous stones we are charging this vibrant alchemy with this Virgo full moon, it infuses uplifting energy and an optimistic outlook on life. Both sea and ocean jasper hold similar characteristics. This type of jasper brings calmness to chaos, strengthens will, and is incredibly nurturing. This is a water stone and we wanted to bring a calming water element to this alchemy by infusing it with ocean jaspers energy.

Serpentine is the other stone we use to enhance the transformative powers in this alchemy. Serpentine is known to be the stone of transformation and is the star in this oil. Its green color influenced us greatly for the color of Verdad. Serpentine pairs so well with the sweet, lime scent and is very powerful in clearing thoughts for meditation and helps to aide in transitions. Serpentine is a great stone for new beginnings and is perfect for attracting whatever you may want to manifest, that is why we chose it specifically for this season of Pisces, when it’s the best time for your dreams to come to fruition.

We are so passionate about Verdad as it has such a special place in our hearts. We took great care to balance out the emotional essence of Pisces with the structured Moon of Virgo. This alchemy is so personal to us as it tells its own story. We hope you feel the love and intentional energy that was infused into this alchemy.




Bloom & Rose